sabato 28 novembre 2009

#Application   : MyRemote Video Gallery
#version       : 1.0 Beta 
#Developer     : Jomtube Team
#License       : GPL            type  : Non-Commercial
#Date Added    : Aug 24, 2009
#Download      :
#Description   :

#MyRemote Video Gallery is the most Powerful Video Extension 
made for Joomla 1.5x
#which will allow you to transform your Website into a 
professional looking Video
#Gallery with functionality that is similar to 
MyRemote Video Gallery is an open source (GNU GPL) video sharing 
Joomla extension has been created specifically for the Joomla 1.5x 
(MVC) Framework and can not be used without Joomla. 
#MyRemote Video Gallery gives you the option to Embed Videos from
Youtube and offers the Framework so you can create your own Remote Plugins for 
other Remote Servers like Dailymotion, Google Video, Vimeo,, Clipser, Revver, 
a which will allow you to run your site for low cost since all the bandwidth usage
and hard drive space is located on the video server sites. So if you already have 
a large library of Videos on some Remote Sites like you can 
build the Video Part of your Site Very Quickly

 Disitallare il componente o aggiornarlo se presente una nuova versione.

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